Monday, November 5, 2012


This is a follow up to my post yesterday about Self-Talk.  I suggest we use these affirmations by posting them around your home, car, place of work, anywhere you will see them daily.  It is possible that they will change the way you see yourself, create healthier self-talk, and may lead to inner peace and serenity.  You can use this list to create some of your own affirmations by mixing and matching; just make sure they are short, believable, and focused.  They can be written on recipe cards and carried in a wallet, on post-its and put up around the home and office, you could even write with permanent marker on your mirror; it comes off with rubbing alcohol.  Below is a collection I have gathered from recovery, aftercare, postings, and who knows where.

·         I like myself.
·         I’m okay just the way I am.
·         I have a good head on my shoulders.
·         I’m worthwhile.
·         I deserve to succeed.
·         I love myself.
·         My feelings are worthwhile.
·         I like me no matter what I’m feeling
·         It’s okay to succeed.
·         It’s okay to have goals.
·         It’s okay to make my goals happen.
·         It’s okay to be loved.
·         It’s okay to love and to be close
·         It’s okay to do a good job without having to be perfect.
·         It’s okay not to rush.
·         It’s okay not to be scared of anger.
·         It’s okay to relax and be at ease.
·         It’s okay to be human.
·         It’s okay to do what I want to and to take the responsibility for what I do.
·         It’s okay not to feel guilty.  I don’t need to punish myself.
·         The world is really an okay place.  It’s okay to find where I belong in the world.
·         I don’t have to put myself down.  It’s okay to think well of myself.  The person that I am is okay. 
·         I like the way I think clearly.
·         It’s okay to decide.  It’s okay to be clear, unconfused, definite.
·         It is a victory, not a failure, to admit my problems, acknowledge any wrong I’ve done, and turn to a Higher Power.
·         I choose to be happy, healthy and successful.
·         I am enthusiastic, energetic and strong. I am health conscious and look after myself properly.
·         It is healthy to accept and love myself, and let others love me, for I am worthy of respect and love.
·         I really am very special.  I like who I am and I feel good about myself.
·         Although I always work to improve myself and I get better every day, I like who I am today.  Tomorrow, when I’m even better, I’ll like myself then too.
·         I would rather be me than anyone else in the world.
·         I like how I feel and I like how I think and I like how I do things.  I approve of me and I approve of who I am.
·         I am full of life.  I like life and I’m glad to be alive.  I am a very special person, living at a very special time.
·         I have many beautiful qualities about me.
·         I have a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and vitality.
·         I am warm, sincere, honest, and genuine.  I am all of these things and more.  All of these things are me.  I like who I am, and I’m glad to be me.
·         I love myself for who I am. Wonderful things are happening in my life daily.
·         It is okay to trust myself and others.  I can be responsible for myself, just as others can be responsible for themselves.
·         I love myself unconditionally. I am beautiful and so is the world.
·         It is possible for me to be happy, since happiness depends on me and my attitude, not on other people or on things.
·         It is possible for me to change if I set realistic goals; I can reach them one step at a time and one day at a time.
·         I can’t do everything perfectly, but I can do something.  If I fail, it’s okay.  There is no failure except in not trying.
·         It’s alright to set limits to keep my sanity and serenity.  It’s okay to let things go that cannot be changed or that do not matter.
·         Gratitude is my true state of being. I accept it fully and joyously.
·         I am a capable person and a deserving human being.
·         I think positively and take responsibility for my actions.
·         I am motivated, optimistic and solution oriented.

There is a list someone once gave me at a meeting and it doesn’t have a known author.   Self-Talk for situations in which we are angry:
·         I don’t need to prove myself in this situation, I can stay calm.
·         As long as I keep my cool, I’m in control of myself.
·         I’m the only person who can make me mad or keep me calm.
·         Time to relax and slow things down.  Take a time out if you get tight.
·         My anger is a signal.  Time to talk to myself and to relax.
·         I don’t need to feel threatened here.  I can relax and stay cool. 
·         Nothing says I have to be competent and strong all the time.  It’s ok to feel unsure or confused. 
·         It’s impossible to control other people and situations.  The only thing I can control is myself and how I express my feelings.
·         It’s ok to be uncertain or insecure sometimes.  I don’t need to be in control of everything and everybody.
·         If this person wants to go off the wall, that’s their thing.  I don’t need to respond to their anger or feel threatened. 
·         When I get into an argument, I can stay to my plan and know what to do.  I can take a time out.
·         Most things we argue about are stupid and insignificant.  I can recognize that my anger is just my having old primary feelings being re-stimulated.  It’s ok to walk away from this fight.
·         It’s nice to have people’s love and approval, but even without it, I can still accept and like myself. 
·         People put erasers on the ends of pencils for a reason.  It’s ok to make mistakes. 
·         People are going to act the way they want to, not the way I want.
·         I feel angry, that must mean I have been hurt or scared.

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