Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Recovery is a Process not an Event

As my sponsor tells me "Recovery is a process, not an event."  Every person has their journey and will experience and learn different things at different times.  This is the beauty of recovery; I can learn from every single person because we are all having experiences, hardships and learning life's lessons.  It is all about relating to other people.  I know, comparing is easier, I can feel superior, not-as-bad, etc when I compare.  But when I relate is where I can see my lesson in another person.  I become a teachable person.

The more life I live in recovery the more tools I have in my toolbox.  If I was not examining my life through my 12 step glasses then I would not be gaining tools.  I would be coasting back into my old patterns.  Time in recovery doesn't necessarily mean I have a lot of tools and wisdom.  I get out what I put into the program. 
My idea of recovery has changed over the years.  What I was looking for in life, my purpose, and how I wanted to live.  

In early recovery I learned to ask my self: Is what I say and what I do aligned? There cannot be any space between these two points; that is where my disease lies. When I act out in a way that is not aligned with my goals in recovery (the spiritual principles) then my disease will strike that area.  I've worked hard to get where I am in recovery, we all have, we do the foot work and God takes care of the rest. 

While nobody's perfect (especially me) these are my goals in recovery:
1. to live a balanced & spiritually connected life

2. know and apply the spiritual principles in my daily life
3. behave appropriately
4. have a
n attitude of gratitude
5. be transparent and accountable in all areas of my life

What about you? That's just my goal right now...what are your goals in recovery?  
"The unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates at his heresy trial.

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Thank you for your comments. I welcome comments as it is a way for me to learn and grow. Thanks for keeping the comments 'PG' as this is a public site. Blessings and Love <3 Bonnie